February 6th, 2025 - Due to severe weather, GPAEA Ottumwa, Fairfield, and Burlington offices will open at 10 AM.  The GPAEA Albia office is closed.

February Future Ready Spotlight: DCAP

This month’s Future Ready Spotlight focuses on District Career & Academic Planning (DCAP).

Each school district in Iowa is required to have an established district career and academic plan (DCAP) that details how the district will provide support for each student’s work surrounding the individual career and academic plan (ICAP). The district plan is reviewed, revised, and updated internally regularly to ensure individual student planning (ICAP) is implemented by the established district career and academic planning team. 

The team also ensures the district uses an approved Career Information System (CIS) and helps determine what ICAP activities will be completed in each grade level to achieve the requirements.

Great Prairie AEA can support districts one-on-one or through designated workshops in March around the components found within the DCAP. Collaboration around resources, partnerships, CIS integration, current curricular connections, and work-based learning are encouraged.

DCAP Workshops March 26 & 27


Download PDF: DCAP Workshops March 26 & 27.pdf


DCAP plans are due to Dave Edwards for review by May 1, 2024. 

Please contact Amanda Brink (Future Ready Consultant) for DCAP assistance. 

Kate Cole and Michelle Ryan (Transition Coordinators) can assist with incorporation and connections with Secondary Transition.