Please join Jaci Jarmes, Instructional Services Coordinator at GPAEA, as she shares her expertise in helping parents understand best practices in literacy instruction and practical tips for helping your child in his/her reading development. These Zoom sessions are free and available for parents of children of all ages and abilities to join. The Zoom sessions will start at 6:30 PM. Registration is appreciated but not required. Registration link
The Network Schedule
- October 24th - Elementary Literacy
- November 28th - Elementary
- January 23rd - Secondary Literacy
- February 27th - Secondary Literacy
- March 26th - Preschool Literacy
- April 23rd - Preschool Literacy
Join Zoom Meeting gpaea.zoom.us/j/98327768434
October 24 Topics
- Fall Literacy Screening: What is a screening and what do the FAST scores mean? If your child receives intervention or special education services for reading, have you wondered how the FAST scores connect to their goals? We will share the basics for understanding the reports and what they mean for your child's reading development.
- Mythbusters: We will discuss common misunderstandings about the role of the FAST screening and provide tips for talking to your child's teacher(s) about the results.
- Engaging Your Child in Literacy at Home: We will share creative and practical ways to involve your child in literacy activities at home.
- Question/Answer: We will end with a time for you to ask literacy-specific questions.
Link for families that need accommodations or have translation needs: Accommodations/Translation Needs