January 21st, 2025 - Due to severe weather, GPAEA Fairfield office will operate on a delay, opening at 10 AM.  Fairfield, Burlington and Albia office will be closed.

Teaching for Impact – June 13 & 14

Does your work support students with special needs? Join the Iowa Department of Education and Iowa's AEAs for the June 13-14 Teaching for Impact: Training for all Educators Supporting Learners with Disabilities. Register today! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/teaching-for-impact-tickets-551797460057

DE AEA TFI Conference Registration Graphic FB

Click here to view a PDF about this training.

Registration is open for the Teaching for Impact training to be held June 13-14 at the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines.

Sponsored by the Iowa Department of Education and the Iowa Area Education Agencies, the training is for all educators supporting learners with disabilities. There is no cost to attend.

The purpose of the training is for educators to develop and expand knowledge and skills related to the education of learners with disabilities from birth to age 21. Emphasis will be placed on integrating information into practice across a variety of educational settings in these content areas: college and career readiness, mathematics, literacy, early childhood, leadership and positive learning environments.

Three dynamic speakers have been invited to headline Teaching for Impact, including Jennifer WolfsheimerHedy Chang and Clay Cook. They bring a wealth of personal and professional experience to the field of education.

Educators and providers from early childhood to high school, school administrators, AEA professionals and higher education faculty supporting pre-service educators and providers will all benefit from the training.

Learn more on the Teaching for Impact registration site.