To prepare the students of Iowa for future success, the STEM BEST + HD (High Demand) Program will focus on developing programs that foster opportunities for growth within the identified skill sets in the diagram below. These future-focused skills align with the Iowa Core Universal Constructs and create opportunities for students to be poised to become leaders and innovators of a future-focused Iowa. Learn more and apply at https://iowastem.org/STEMBEST.
- October 3, 2022: Application portal opens
- December 14, 2022: Application due by 11:59pm
- December - January, 2023: Application Review
- February 2023: Awards Announced
- February 2023 - May 2024: STEM BEST Program Planning and Implementation
- May 15, 2024: Progress Report and final invoice must be submitted to:
- Iowa Governor's STEM Advisory Council, Attn: Program Manager, 214 East Bartlett Hall, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA 50614
- May 15, 2025: Final Report Due