Lori Mueller, Mathematics Consultant
The Great Prairie AEA Sixth Grade Math Bee was held on April 26, 2022, at the Fairfield Arts and Convention Center. 17 school districts participated in this year’s event. There were 142 students on 35 teams. There are five rounds of individual math tests and one team round. The tests are all based on the Iowa Math Standards for Sixth Grade. This event is particularly challenging since the tests are timed. It is difficult to get all the questions done in a round, let alone get a perfect score. Because of this, we award Perfect Round certificates to those students that have a perfect score of 10 in a round.
Students receiving Perfect Scores in a round are:
Round 1 - The Number System
- Micah Ashmore, Central Lee
Round 5 - Ratios and Proportional Reasoning
- Ellie Humphrey, Davis County
- Alexis Roberts, Danville
- Simon Marble, Ottumwa
- Colton Shafer, North Mahaska
- Kinsley Denburger, North Mahaska
- Logan Wooldridge, Burlington
- Riley Merschman, New London
- Micah Ashmore, Central Lee
- Caedon Newton, Central Lee
- Isaiah Lange, Mt. Pleasant
Congratulations to these students for having the Top Ten Scores:
- Caedon Newton, Central Lee
- Henry Robbins, Central Lee
- Ellie Humphrey, Davis County
- Mallory Andersen, North Mahaska
- Ian Rosvold, Oskaloosa
- Alexis Roberts, Danville
- Simon Marble, Ottumwa
- Isabella Dodds, Mount Pleasant
- Colton Shafer, North Mahaska
- Isaiah Lange, Mount Pleasant
- Luke Emerson, Wayne
- Marshall Overturf, Oskaloosa
- Morgan Krogmeier, Holy Trinity Catholic
Congratulations to the top-place individual winners!
- First Place: Micah Ashmore, Central Lee
- Second Place: Dylan Pierson, Oskaloosa
- Third Place (Tie): Landon Herd, Oskaloosa, and Logan Everett, North Mahaska
The Top Six Teams out of 35 teams received plaques:

First Place Team from Oskaloosa Community School District. Congratulations
Dylan Pierson, Landon Herd, Ian Rosvold, and Iwan Buchanan!

Second Place Team from Central Lee Community School District. Congratulations Micah Ashmore, Caedon Newton, Henry Robbins, and Tristan Robins!

Third Place Team from Wayne Community School District. Congratulations
Luke Emerson, Carter Wilson-Nickell, Eden Dowdy, and Jackson Carpenter!

Fourth Place Team from Mt Pleasant Community School District. Congratulations
Isabella Dodds, Jenny Tran, Carly Mullin, and Phaymany (James) Thiengmany!

Fifth Place Team from Davis County. Congratulations Ellie Humphrey, Mack Murdock,
Grayson Meyer, and Rye Barnhart!

Sixth Place Team from Oskaloosa. Congratulations Marshall Overturf, Cameron McKee, Silas Johnston, and Dallan Callahan!
Many thanks go to the teachers that scored the tests and monitored the students. There were also several parent volunteers that helped to proctor the test. Several people from the AEA helped prepare for the Math Bee and also helped on the day of the event. The AEA Math Team is Lori Mueller, Lynn Selking, Gary Jarmes, and Katie Hash. We cannot put on this event without the help of all these wonderful people. Thank you so much!